Player Development Philosophy

Richmond Strikers Player Development Pathway

Player Development Philosophy

Our patient, long term approach to developing players begins at the grassroots level and continues through the highest levels of play within our club.  The player development philosophy of the Richmond Strikers has three primary goals: 

1. To create a soccer environment that is both age- and ability-appropriate for each of our players.

2. To develop technically competent soccer players who are able to accurately collect and pass the ball, be effective attackers and defenders in 1 v 1 situations, and to be critical, independent thinkers on the field

3. To provide the instruction and support to give our players the best opportunity to reach their potential, regardless of age or level. We believe that every player is capable of improving his or her overall soccer performance.

Teaching to All Levels

Within our organization, there are core values and objectives that our coaches will uphold at all ages and ability levels. Our challenge is to apply these core values and objectives in a meaningful and relevant manner with respect to the needs of each particular team and player.

Our goal is to provide an environment where learning is fun, and where learning is expected of everyone. Indeed, more learning creates more fun! All of our players are capable of growing as soccer players. We are committed to providing the instruction and support to give our players the best opportunity to reach their potential, regardless of age or level.

All of our players deserve the opportunity to improve their overall soccer performance in a manner that is relevant to their potential. This includes increasing their technical skillsets and their understanding of basic tactical relationships, (1v1 to 3v3), and improving their fitness level and their willingness to compete.  By doing so, we accomplish several goals:

1. We help them gain tools that they can use to further unlock the game. 

2. The more tools and the more of the game they can unlock, the more enjoyable the game becomes. 

3. The more enjoyable the game becomes, the more they engage in the learning process and the more competent they become, and the learning cycle evolves and continues.

As a club, we will always look to teach to our players’ potential and to teach in a manner that exposes them to the fundamental skillsets needed to enjoy soccer.  Our challenge and responsibility as a club is to find the proper level of expectations for our players, (from United to Elite levels and from ADP to our Premier and Elite teams), and then to provide an environment that is both fun and challenging at the same time.